Friday, 30 April 2010

Activity 7

I have learned that in order to get a short high quality of footage it is necessary to do a large quantity of filming. For good camera work you need good quality equipment and camera man/Director who knows what he wants. For good editing you need good software and a good eye to be able to produce what is watchable, you will also need to spend alot of time editing and finalising all of you footage to come out with a good ending product.

Activity 6

1. I learned that I had to organise all of the equipment to be used well in advance and ensure that it was fit for purpose i.e. wet/dry weather. During filming the quality of sound was bad until I used a boom which improved this greatly. Background and environment was vital for continuity. We have learned how to use new software specifically for editing precision for the film to look realistic and to be of a standard where the audience would not be aware of cuts and where there was consistent continuity in the shots. Due to the improvement in sound quality with the use of the boom this was not a problem when editing and I learned that it is easier to do the audio and the video at the same time rather than separate. The technologies of Adobe Premier allowed me to select and cut my music for the background as I pleased.

Activity 5

1. I attracted my audience by including a fast running fight scene in the first 2 minutes of the Film and also with a leading man (who is hot) with a large following of female viewers. Also later on in my film i will have a woman (who is hot) come in which will also attract alot more male viewers. James Bond 007 also used this tactic and the films also got alot of viewings.

Activity 4

1. Older teens and younger men are my typical target audience because there is a large amount of violence and verbal offense also because the main characters are what the typical teen/young man aspires to be (fairly successful, big house, beautiful wife and a few children) Included in this audience would be the 20 something female who is attracted to the looks of the main character as well as the leading mans fan club base.  

2. My older teen/younger man would shop in the general High Street Stores for jeans and t-shirts and designer style trainers (DC's). His musical taste would be fast, adrenaline rush, heart pumping, exciting and the current chart toppers. Favourite TV pro grammes would include action films and series i.e. Life on Mars etc. They might also include some of the older action series i.e. The Professionals. They would enjoy fast foods and a good night out with friends. 

Activity 3

See Annotations and Blog script.

Activity 2

1. My film does not depict any social group as it is an event that could happen in all social groups.
2. With the 2 character above the similarities are role in the film and their close friendship with another character. The differences are the ages, appearance, social status although their status in earlier life is similar to that in the film and employment roles at the time of filming.

Activity 1

1. This tital was chosen to create a feeling of innuendo, through using this title a scenario has been constructed to make the viewer think about be intrested in what this can mean and also what type of film this could be as nothing in the title suggests the storyline.

2. This scene setting creates an air of ordinary British life and a sense of the location being anywhere, anytime but in the more modern era. There is also a bricked area of a modern style.

3. The sense of costume is of a younger, working class lifestyle and indicates the season in which the film is set. The implement is a random item that has not been returned to its correct storage place.

4. The camera work has been cleverly orgnised in such a way that we find nopthing out about the character holding the glass with the seception of that he is probably not a labourer due to the quality of the hand and the quality of the glass indicates that he is more likely to be in a home enviroment rather than a public one.

5. The Font and style were chosen because it stood out and was the first font to catch my intrest when i was looking. the font is softer that that of a strong/bolder more solid typeface (as shown in shot 9)

6. The story is about two lifelong friends with one betraying the other and the what the consequences and bloodshed that arise from this action.

7. I chose action for this film, this is depicted in the starting 2 minuetes with the fight scene that is shown between 2 of the mle characters. My chose of action was to give a wider scope of filming that seems to have a larger audence that romance, drama or comedy.

8. Only one of my characters is introduced verbally in the first 2 minueted of my film. This is done be the second character shouting out hs name to grab his attention. the second character is not introduced until later on in the film.

9. There are a few sets of special effects used. The first is "ghosting", This is when set of shadows behind the character appear to indicate the action being made. The second is "slow motion" which is when we have slowed down time to emphasise the fight scene and the ferocity between the two male characters.

Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Final Peace

This is my final peace.

Friday, 5 March 2010

Final Script

Final Script.

Alex: How much do they pay for you to betray me?
Oscar: Enough...


Alex: How could you do this to me? How? We have be friends all our LIVES!!!

This is a very simple script as most of the attention is on the fight scene that happens after the 2nd line from Alex.

Time Management.

Time Management.

When I was doing my time management I was over confident at how much I could do and sent myself time that I later found out that I couldn’t keep to because there was to much stuff to do in the little time set.

When I started filming I found that it would take more then a few hours, in the end it took over 8 hours to choreograph the fight scene alone.

When I started the editing I deleted over 1 hour of footage due to bad acting/re-choreographing, doing this cut my footage down to 15 min now all I need to do is cut another 13min to get the allotted time for my film start.

Tuesday, 23 February 2010

First chunk of film.

I have finaly done my first peace of filming, i have had to change my story/story board due to the quade bike breaking down and not alowing me to do the film so i have swaped it for a fight scence between tye Baker and an unknown man, I have also changed the name of my film to The Guy. as this name relates more now then the old name of Speed.

Monday, 22 February 2010

Change of Plot.

I have had to change the plot because there was a tecnical problem with the Quad bike and i was unable to do the chase shot, insted i have changed it to a fight shots in which i would be able to compensate for the lose of my majour loss to my film.

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Tye Breaker...

Tye will have a pare of jeans and a t-shirt to wear in the streets, after 12 years.

Friday, 29 January 2010

Weather for filming...

This is the wether forcast for the next five days and none of them are appropriate to use for my film.

Wednesday, 20 January 2010

Shot 23...

Shot: Close up of the 1st person's face with a high angle shot.
Dialogue: The sound of a rifle fireing, Someone forcing out a last breath of life.

Shot 22...

Shot: Mid shot of the 2nd person, Low angle shot was taken.
Dialogue: 2nd person Shouted "I will KILL U"

Shot 21...

Shot: A close up of the first person who is on the floor with a high angle shot.
Dialogue: the 1st person said "You will not get that satisfaction from me!!!"

Shot 20...

Shot: Mid shot of the secound person who is standing over the 1st person who is on the floor, there is also a low shot being used.

Dialoge: 2nd person said " Your the last person i would have expected to do this to us, Now i will have to kill u" There is s histeric lafter from the 2nd man.

Shot 19...

Shot: Close up of the 1st person who is on the floorall bloody and hurt, This is a high angle shot to show weakness.

Dialogue: The sound of a hartbeat starts to beat over the normal sound of a fire.

Shot 18...

Shot: The name of the film shoots onto a black screen with an explostion.

Dialogue: Sound of an exploding engine comes acros the sound system's.

Shot 17...

Shot: A long shot of onother person who had just run down the drive and is not looking down the scope of a rifle.
Dialogue: The chase music starts to fade away and a tence music starts to pick up the main sounds.

Shot 16...

Shot: Black screen with the name off one of the secondery actor.

Dialogue: The chase music is still dominant and the engin sounds are still in the background.

Shot 15...

Shot: Another long shot of the quad bike racing throw the woods.
Dalogue: There is the fast chase music that is still incontrole of the sound, The engine sound is still there but it is still hidden behind all the music.

Shot 14...

Shot: Black shot with the name off the Director.
Dialogue: The sounds for this shot is the same as in shot 13.

Shot 13...

Shot: Shot cuts to he uad in the woods, the quad is riding very fast to get away. A long shot is used.
Dialogue: Chase music takes the lead role over the engine sounds.

Shot 12...

Shot: Long shot of the Quad, the quad is roling forwards while the camrea keeps in focuse.

Dialogue: The engine sounds as now changing into the sound of a working engine insted of an idal engine unlike before.

Shot 11...

Shot: Long shot off the Garage with the quad inside of it.

Dialouge: Chase music is the same as in shot 10 and the engine sound reaches its peack (sound it makes when at max reves).

Shot 10...

Shot: ITS (Over the shoulder) and a mid shot at the same time. It is an OTS shot for the person on the Quad bike and a Mid shot of the other person on the bike.

Dialogue: The chase music pick's up its pace and the engine sound increase's in sound.

Shot 9...

Shot: A long shot of the Garage as the doors open to revieal a Quad bike inside.
Dialogue: The sound of chase music build's up and the reving off the engine increases.

Shot 8...

Shot: Long shot of a Garage on the side of a house.
Dialogue: Fast music starts (Music for a chase scence) sound off an engine starting comes from the building.

Shot 7...

Shot: E.C.U (Extream close up) of a hand opening a door into what looks like a garden.

Dialogue: Sound of the door opening and the footstems as the person walks out then the sound of the door closing.

Shot 6...

Shot: Name of the Main actor comes up on a black screen.

Dialogue: The sound off running feet.

Shot 5...

Shot: Long shot of a hallway.
Dialogue: Big thump ( sound off a body hitting the floor).

Shot 4...

Shot: Middle shot of shadows fighting.

Dialogue: Shouting and the sound of Punching ad effects from the shadowsu.

Shot 3...

Shot: Name off Producer on Black screen.

Dialogue: there is no sounds, the sound of Punching and kicking sounds start to fade into the silence.

Shot 2...

Shot: Establishing shot.

Dialogue: No sound.

Tuesday, 19 January 2010

Shot 1...

This is shot 1:
It is a clip of the chosen production company
(Uneversal pictures)
Sound comes from the clip.